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    Peer Review Policy

    LARC ensures that all books that contain research output also have their full text thoroughly peer reviewed by two reviewers. Our standard peer-review process works on a double-blind workflow, where the identity of reviewers and author is kept anonymous during the editorial process.

    Two experts within the subject area are asked to comment on the strength of the methodology and the analysis of data, whether conclusions are supported by sufficient evidence/data, whether the content is well structured, and if the submission includes up-to-date information on the subject and adequate referencing.

    After review feedback is received the editorial manager will collate the feedback and ask the authors for relevant revisions, or accept/reject the book for publication. If revisions are requested, then these must be completed prior to the book being editorially accepted for publication. A publication contract will be signed only when author, editors, and reviewers reach an agreement.

    The editorial board will evaluate the peer-review process of full book manuscripts on a regular basis and will be involved in final decisions.